

McGuigan, A., T. Ticktin, M. Tora, V. Tikonavuli, R. Dacks, and S. Quazi. 2022. Post-cyclone resilience of an agroforest-based food system in the Pacific Islands. Regional Environmental Change 22:57. PDF

Ticktin, T., R. Dacks, S. Quazi, M. Tora, A. McGuigan, Z. Hastings and A. Naikatini. 2018 Significant linkages between measures of biodiversity and community resilience in Pacific Island agroforests. Conservation Biology 32 (5): 1085-1095. PDF


McGuigan, A., Social-ecological resilience of agroforests in Fiji. 2022. Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Botany Department. PDF


McGuigan A. Women's health & the plants of Aneityum. 2016. In Plunkett, G., Balick, M. (Ed.), Plants mo Pipol blong Tafea Provins, Vanuatu ~ Plants & People of Tafea Province, Vanuatu: Trip Report November 14 to December 22, 2016. (pp. 11-12). PDF

McGuigan, A. Overcoming Winston Donation Report. 2016. PDF